Thursday, April 29, 2010

Neti Pot

Well, I have officially been sold on the Neti Pot! For all of you that are hesitant to try it, I definitly recommend it.
It looks like a mini tea pot with an usually long spout. After filling it with warm water and adding it with your desired amount of saline solution, stick the spout just inside your nostril, tilt your head forward and over and WHAM! All of a sudden it feels like you are underwater while the water travels up that nostril and out the other. Be careful not to try to talk or breathe in through your mouth as it will go down your throat! Not good!
Depending on your sinuses will depend on what comes out! Sometimes your pouring it in and nothing is happening! Don' t are just very clogged!
Afterwards you will have to blow your nose quite a bit but it is worth it.
Relief is in store!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bret Michaels

With all the stories going on right now with Bret Michaels I thought I would tell the story of my 1st "encounter" with him!
I was just in Jr High when my family went to a record store where my parents knew the owners. We were told we could all pick out a tape, after looking for some time I came across a Poison tape.
I will never forget looking at these 4 people thinking they were strangely beautiful. They looked so cool with their teased hair and makeup, I knew this was the one!
I stared at the 4 four of them on the cover the whole way home thinking about how I wanted to look just like them!
I thought they were women!!!!
I'll never forget my father looking at it and telling me they were men.
So even though I thought Bret was a beautiful woman, Poison ended up being one of my favorite bands of that time!
Bret Michaels- you could talk dirty to me anytime!
My thoughts are with you!


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My ITouch Addiction

I am I love with my IPod Touch. This statement is eerily true! I am a slave to it.
I was watching the news the other night and they were doing a piece college students being addicted to social media such as FaceBook, Twitter...texting and so on. Well I can completely understand their problem.... I have one too!!!!!!
My ITouch!
You see my whole day revolves around it. I wake up 1 to 2 hours early to get a jump start on my day. I lay in bed and start my with farming. I have much to harvest and fields to plow. Then I have to invade neighboring farms to feed my hungry zombies the brains that they crave! After that I have fish to feed and breed and virtual vacations to check to see if everyone is happy! Then I move to emails and eBay ....after everything us viewed, reviewed and responded to, I move on to to the weather. I may so sone shopping at my favorite store of just surf the web! And after all this, if time permits I will play a few games!! Scrabble, anyone?
And this is just the morning. I sm exhausted before I even get out of the bed!!!!

It's such a clever device..... A complete staple to my life! It's my crack and I am totally addicted!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why is it that men can check girls out all the time. Even married men because it is shrugged off as if he is just looking. Hence allowing him to appreciate the beauty of a woman.
No big deal.
But let a woman check out a man! Let's make it worse.... a MARRIED woman!!!!!! All hell breaks loose. She is a pig! Disgusting and not worthy.
I am a married woman and honestly I check out men and woman the same. I can appreciate the beauty of either. I am a natural flirt yet I mean no harm. It's ok ladies...... I don't want your man. I have one! And I am not jealous but rather comfortable in my own skin. I just know beauty when I see it.
So feel free to check out my husband.... He is definitely eye candy because I will be checking out you and yours!

Friday, April 23, 2010

I am not old!

I am in my 30's and proud of it. I am the mother of 2 and who knows if I am done. I still have a couple of child bearing years left in me! And for the record I do not drive a minivan but for all you minivan driving moms out there- rock on! I love your little spacious van!
The company I work for has just gone through a hiring spree and the new hires are all just out of college. All 20 somethings and from the impression I am getting they are looking at us 30 somethings as old and not worthy of them.
I have never truely considered the fact that I am old because frankly... I am NOT.
They have this air about them...they go from one extreme to the next. The women seem to be arrogant and bitchy and the men are like little boys.
I was never like that, even then I wanted my peers to like me. All my peers ....despite their age. And the ones that have been with the company for years I definitly wanted them on my side.
Let me just remind you.... We were there once and honestly it wasn't that long ago! Think of us 30 somethings as slightly older instead of old. Sure we may be married and we may have kids but we are still human and we still like to socialize and bullshit all the same! We are you, only matured and confident. Secure now with the person we are and happy.

So let's cut the shit, drop the attitude and be cool. You not going to be young forever. You will eventually be in our shoes!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I want my Mommy!

I have 2 small children and my husband and I work full time. My job is not so easy to leave if need be. For instance if the day is closed, there would be a waiting list or you would have to get "special consideration" to leave. Then that would be something they would hang over your head and use against you.
Now make note I have been with this company for 12 years. Recently I needed to leave to pick up my sick child from school.
Last time I checked I was the parent and the responsible party.
My husband who normally would leave work for these situations was at a site over an hour away and just couldn't leave.
The day was "closed" and I was given THE speech about leaving early and the fact that this was special consideration. And that is when my superviser hit me with, " You should have a better circle of family/ friends who can take care of your kids while you work". WHAT?
Are you kidding me?
She continued with how I should call my neighbors and
see if they could get my sick child and care for them.
I think not! These are my children and when they are sick they want their mommy......ME! I have a small circle of who I can call when I need them but they are not always available on a whim. And like I said my kids are my responsibility.
I an sorry but my children are my important than answering your phones!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Skinny Jeans

Skinny Jeans

Can chubby girls honestly say they were skinny jeans? I ask this question because I can. I am a voluptuous size 14. And although I am not built like a stick... all skin and bones, I can look sexy all the same.
But I have yet to buy skinny jeans and yes it IS all because of the name! In no means am I "skinny" and I have no problem in admitting it.
I will also state for the record, I love my curves. A womans body is magnif
icant. Of I had no hips, no butt and no boobs I would be lost! It's the power of the hour glass! I don't long to be thin although I would kill for a flat stomach!
I have to get over my fear of the "skinny" jeans and relish in them! More power to the curvy women all over the world. Embrace yourselves. For every
woman or man that thinks our curves are anything but beautiful there 2 that think we rock!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010


If you found yourself in a position where you were with that one person, other than your spouse/partner, that you were extremely physically attracted to and all signs were go, would you?
Now be honest with youself.
My husband, a very honest man, claims 98% of people would do it. This is both woman and men. Naturually at first I claimed I would not and then I started to think about it. Understand though I do love my husband, very much.
I started to ask close friends to see what they said and was shocked at the outcome. Most people said they would without hesitation. Always with one exception, that it would only happen one time.
Nope,I don't believe it. I think infidelity could be like a drug....addicting.
What happens when the next "hot" person comes along and wants to bang you? Seriously.
Remeber the feeling of having a crush. The anticapation you felt in talking too or seeing that person. The butterflies in your stomach and the endless nervousness when that person is around. What an awesome feeling! Who wouldn't want that?
Now think how it felt when that persons feelings were reciprocated. Mindblowing!
Human chemistry is an amazing thing. The constant need to touch eachother and the longing. I tell you, it's a dangerous thing. We are human and after all to err is human but would you be able to stop after just one time? Or would you want more?
I still do not know. I would like to think I am smarter than that. But I have to admit, it does sound nice!