Tuesday, April 20, 2010


If you found yourself in a position where you were with that one person, other than your spouse/partner, that you were extremely physically attracted to and all signs were go, would you?
Now be honest with youself.
My husband, a very honest man, claims 98% of people would do it. This is both woman and men. Naturually at first I claimed I would not and then I started to think about it. Understand though I do love my husband, very much.
I started to ask close friends to see what they said and was shocked at the outcome. Most people said they would without hesitation. Always with one exception, that it would only happen one time.
Nope,I don't believe it. I think infidelity could be like a drug....addicting.
What happens when the next "hot" person comes along and wants to bang you? Seriously.
Remeber the feeling of having a crush. The anticapation you felt in talking too or seeing that person. The butterflies in your stomach and the endless nervousness when that person is around. What an awesome feeling! Who wouldn't want that?
Now think how it felt when that persons feelings were reciprocated. Mindblowing!
Human chemistry is an amazing thing. The constant need to touch eachother and the longing. I tell you, it's a dangerous thing. We are human and after all to err is human but would you be able to stop after just one time? Or would you want more?
I still do not know. I would like to think I am smarter than that. But I have to admit, it does sound nice!

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